Mobile Applications
The use of Mobile Devices is becoming increasingly popular. The need of Mobile Applications tends to be overwhelming. Our Mobile Applications have the ability to display Products, Services, Catalogues, Appointments etc. all with a simple screen-touch of your smartphone. Advertise your business through a Mobile App suitable for any Operating System.
In MainSys we offer a wide range of solutions for developing applications for smartphones, that include the following:
- CRM Applications
- Applications of Business Information (i-Status)
- e-Shop Services (i-Shop)
- Electronic payment services
- Applications for companies that provide services
- Applications of promotion and electronic payments (i-Web)
- Applications of geographical location

Mobile e-Shop
Get your own e-shop for mobile devices directly connected to the data of your online store. Practically, you can display your products or services on each user’s screen, with limited cost and no need for data entry (automated process).
The e-Shop Applications are fully functional, convenient and support more functions that you can imagine:
- Smart Filtering Results
- Shopping Cart
- Tracking & Navigation to the nearest Store
- Multiple Payment Methods (PayPal, Bank, etc.)
- Multiple Shipping Methods
- Social Media Integration
- Direct call from your mobile to the Store
- Display a log of the customers’ Transaction History
- Monitor each Order’s Status